For the study, researchers from the University of Waterloo in Canada asked 84 married or cohabiting heterosexual couples to split and fill recordings (no peeking allowed!) . Questions covered their sexual satisfaction and relationship, how well you communicate about sex as a couple, and finally , how satisfied they thought their sex partner .


The results? Aside from the fact that people like sex is almost a guarantee , the researchers found that men and women in the study were quite good at reading levels of sexual satisfaction of their partners. In fact , women were spot on with their perceptions. Men tend to slightly underestimate how happy they were partners in the bag.

I want you to know that you enjoy ? Do not just turn up the volume of your moan. In a recent study from the Journal of Sex Research found that most men want women if they cross the finish line - and that really puts them on. So go ahead and order exactly what you want in bed - you look happy .
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